Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Videos from Bilamie and La Tomatique @ Bar Wotever (4th Nov)

My band Bilamie had a wonderful evening on Tuesday night at Royal Vauxhall Tavern!

We did have half a palpitation each when we arrived and all the shutters were down...until we realised the bar hadn't opened yet so we had to sneak in the side entrance for the sound check.  We had 2 x sound engineers looking after us, although one was technically a stage manager helping us with our wires/instruments and assisting the sound guy.  It was all very well organised though, which is great at a gig because it means you can actually relax and enjoy the evening.

One thing to note at Bar Wotever (I haven't been to the Royal Vauxhall Tavern myself on other nights there so I can't speak for those), but there was great sense of humour and atmosphere thanks to the organisers and speakers on the night such as Ingo and Maria.

We were the first act up.  There was a good number of people there and a great atmosphere in the crowd too... We had a wander around the crowd afterwards with our mailing list, having a chat with people. When you get a such a nice response like on that night - thats what really makes it all come together. Here's a video of our song Lonely Hearts from the night.

The final act of the night was the debut performance by La Tomatique - wonderfully entertaining and a perfect way to round off the evening.  Here's a clip from their show.

Looking forward to the next time there! :D

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