Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Li(v)es - Theism & Atheism

I was raised as a Christian but stopped identifying as one in my mid-teens. I've seen many arguments directed at non-religious people, asking how they know right from wrong if they do not have a religious book with rules to follow. We don't need to follow a religion to live a just life though; morals can come from life experience, from friends/family, from history or from philosophy.

I try to show respect for my friends and for anyone who follows a religion. I've seen people being criticised in the past though for 'picking and choosing' what they follow from their religious book. To me, this is good sense - to question critically or to adapt appropriately to your life and to the times we live in. But if you do 'pick & choose' (for want of a better phrase), please do not feel guilty about it - and don't let anyone make you feel that way.

The quote in the picture is from 'Li(v)es', the first track on my new EP 'Modern Life Is Lies', released on Friday 20th May (this week!) worldwide via iTunes, Amazon, Google Play.

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