Saturday, July 25, 2009

First song for EP finished!


I finished the first song for the EP today - "Theories from Von Krahl". I'm so pleased! I started writing recording it back in March and hadn't done anything else to it until today where I thought "Right! I'm going to finish it off!" (I didn't really believe myself though!) But 8 hours, 1 shower, 4 pizza slices and 1 giant coffee mug later, it's done!

I feel like I'm on a roll now and I should be finishing off another...but not sure that's a good idea at this time in the evening... perhaps I should watch a film instead!

I already have a few acoustic songs recorded - I did a demo of 4 songs back in 2005 and then I'm putting together an acoustic album of some of my old songs and then I'm doing a covers EP as well. I'm going to put all the lyrics up here (apart from the covers!) with a brief explanation of what the songs about. The key word there is 'brief' and perhaps we shall add 'vague' too. I don't want any ex-boyfriends chasing me with sledge hammers...

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