Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What am I playing on Friday??

...not that I'm freaking out or anything....ahem.

I've sorted out which cover I am playing, BUT out of hundreds of my own songs, I can't seem to find ONE song of my own composition that I want to play on Friday night...

I've tried to narrow it down to a few but not convinced that any of them are perfect for Friday at the moment and I'm still looking through the others... Whatever I play, I'll probably end up changing it anyway! lol

So far, I've narrowed it down to:

Bite - would have to be a re-make, starting off a capella like the original but then instead of the drum stick on wood, it would be heal stomping (which goes down well usually) and then the guitar joining halfway through... am worried that the judges may think it's a gimmick to win though... or it might just show originality...

Dressed To Undress great song, instantly likeable... but I already played this the first weekof the competition...

Falling into the Leaves - I would be playing the original "fast" version of this if I did play it (not like the slower recorded version) - this is a favourite amongst friends in Athlone but the guitar part is so simple, I may lose marks for that... The chords are literally G Em C D and then mixed up and there's no fancy strumming or anything like that...

Facing the World Again - It might be a little slow and depressing... but it's got quite heart felt lyrics... the guitar part is a little quirky in the verses... not sure the vocal really shows off my voice though...

A Secret Love - obviously this is definitely slow and depressing too but it *is* on piano, which could be a bonus and it's pretty dark and eerie which might be a good change of mood during the evening - if I did a remake of it, I might be able to make this one work... Re-makes on the piano are more difficult for me though and I only have 2 evenings before Friday...

Petroleum - I love the lyrics to this cos it's comparing a relationship to a jar of vaseline! haha but you could see how, due to that reason, it could be easily disparaged... The guitar work is good though, the song is upbeat, it's catchy, it goes down well at parties usually too... The chords aren't anything fancy but I think the general structure of the song makes up for that...

In History - even though I think this is one of my best, I do think that it is a song that grows on you rather than being an instant favourite - which it needs to be on the night... I dunno, it's such an OLD song now and I've played it so often that it's kind of tatood on my brain and I find it difficult to analyse it objectively...

Kate Bush - this is definitely an option - the guitar part is ok, decent variation of chords and strumming... I think vocal could benefit from more variety and that might let it down...

Deeper Interaction - I say this is a recent song but it's actually end of 2006 hahaha which is aaaaages ago! Anyway - this is also dark and on the piano, like A Secret Love except I guess that the piano part is a little more interesting...

Killing Me - a music review in Sheffield once said that this was a sure fire Number 1 hit - but thats when I had all the backing arrangement from Mothership to it... I'm not sure how well the songs stands up when it's played only acoustically.. The other thing is that the lyrics are quite disturbing - about a friend who wanted to commit suicide - and even though the lyrics are quite subtle, I'm not sure it suits the atmosphere of a competition night...

Ok.  So.  Bite, Petroleum, Kate Bush and Deeper Interaction are the first songs I'm going to play tonight and see how they sound....and I'll take it from there...

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