Wednesday, April 25, 2018

'Your Art Is Imperfect' (NEW SONG from Fingerprints!)

Particle Zoo have uploaded an exclusive song from the new to stream online before the release date!

Your Art Is Imperfect

"Look at us all... Scrambling to meet our perfect partner, find our perfect job or have the perfect holiday.  How about painting the perfect picture or writing the perfect song?  Perfect just doesn't exist. And we need to stop imagining that it does (in spite of what the big American movies tell us).

With any piece of art, at some point you have to say 'it's finished' and move on. To just do what you can with what you feel in that moment.  After all, a song is like a snapshot of an artist at one moment in time. The next snapshot will be as different again."

'Your Art Is Imperfect' is the opening track on my new album ‘Fingerprints’, released on Monday 7th May 2018.

Your Art Is Imperfect (Lyrics)

Don’t stay where you’re tolerated
Go where you’re celebrated
If the sounds you hear are dull and dated
Create what you want created

Saw you in the zone, feel the deep connection
Buzzing all fours in the natural flow
Reaching for your own slice of perfection
Your Art is Imperfect; it's a beautiful show

They say ideas appear from nowhere
Vision and sound homebound from anywhere
You know the feeling like a spark inside you
Like a thread through a portal beside you

Saw you in the zone, feel the deep connection
Buzzing all force in the natural flow
Reaching for your own slice of perfection

Your Art is Imperfect; it's a beautiful show

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