Sunday, May 30, 2010


My parent's bought me my first kitten when I was 12, I called her Whisky.

She died on Friday night...I've been crying at intervals since...and some words and things just came out of me... I think I have a recording to upload too...

Link to MP3: Whisky

You were here
16 years
Even now
You're still my little girl

I grew from a child
To a man with you
Our love never changed
Truley unconditional

I'm so sorry
I wasn't there
When you closed your eyes
For the last time

So when I close my eyes tonight
Maybe you can come around for a while
We'll lay on the ground, you can sleep for one last time
And we can say goodbye

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sweet Bilamie

I've been playing around with a guitar part for the last couple of weeks, a part that was inspired by the songs that Beth and I have written together... Today, I put some lyrics to it... In case you don't know, when we play music together, our duo is called Bilamie :-)

"Sweet Bilamie"

I got a little friend who I love
With talents sent high from up above
When her fingers stroke her strings
I feel so much love I have to sing
So please, please, please
Lets make some sweet
Music together

Sweet harmonising beautifully
We'll be bathing in utopian ecstasy
The vibes push us high
That's when our spirits shine bright
So please, please, please
Lets make some sweet
Music together

When another man walks out
When a girl fucks you about
There's another world where love is free
Bilamie, Sweet Bilamie

When the day drags dull and long
When there's a voice screamin' 'your life is wrong!'
There's another world where love is free
Bilamie, Sweet Bilamie

Songs Brewing and Ableton Ordered

After a little break from music after the Stars of Our Bars weeks, I'm back on track now and writing some new material... since I haven't bought the mega expensive software yet, I cannot record, so instead I am writing on guitar again in the mean time - which is nice! Guitar is good for summer... I also have a couple of covers lined up - one to choose for Eduardo in Brazil which I promised aaaaages ago and one for Beko in Turkey.

*** 5 minutes later ***

Ok so I decided to bite the bullet and buy Ableton Suite 8 (€700!) - it was very hard to click on the BUY button.... hahaha but in 2 weeks I will own it so no more trying to work with cracked software that keeps crashing and breaking (well, I hope not anyway!!).

Bad News...

Awww... I had some gutting news over the weekend... My long term plan after Ireland was to move to Brighton and once there, I was looking forward to working with my musician friend Beth and making sweet music together and playing gigs... We have a duo together that we call Bilamie - we've only written a couple of songs so far but I've totally loved every minute of it... She's such a wonderful person to work with musically - vibrant, intuitive, experimental, and so encouraging... Circumstances recently have changed for Beth though so she is having to move back up to the North of England which means she won't be there when I move to Brighton.  But it's not the end of the world - we can still work together in future and it will at least be easier when we're in the same country... :-)

I was still going to do my own solo stuff even if Bilamie worked out so I won't be looking for another partner to work with - the idea was just that I wanted to work with Beth because she's such a talented musician and we have a similar outlook on music, life and love... So it's not terrible news, it's just a change of plan :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

After the buzz and excitement...


What a week...

A week last Sunday I had to take Antonio (my car) back to the UK before the Irish government turned him into Cola Cans... I missed my ferry (followed sign to the wrong Port!) and had to hang around 5 hours for the next one and then when my ferry got into thr UK, I had to drive to my parents.. I didn't get to sleep till 6am and was up for working from home at 8... lol Then Monday night I was back in Ireland but there were no coaches to go back to Athlone (and obviously I didn't have a car anymore) so I had to get a hotel and then catch the first coach in the morning... However, I couldn't sleep that night and only had 2 hours again... Then the night after I slept really well until 4am and then that was pretty much it... I only started to feel normal again yesterday...

I've taken a bit of a break from music this week. The last few weeks have been really intense - rehearsing night after night and changing the songs for the competition... But I'm actually ITCHING to get started again now and can't wait until the evening... I think the first thing I am going to do is have a few run through's of the song I did for Aitor "Try a Little Tenderness" (I spent so long on it, I don't want to not practice it and then completely forget it!) and then I'm going to start working on one of the covers for Eduardo. Before I can record again though, I need to buy Ableton Suite 8 which is €700 so I'm not sure when I'm going to have the money for that what with all the crazy amounts I've spent on double car insurance and everything to do with that recently...

I got some really lovely messages from people on Facebook after the competition last week giving words of support...

Easter weeekend was cool... I was meant to start my covers for Eduardo but I couldn't find the email with the songs... :-(  However, I started recording a song I started writing last week... It was acoustic guitar based but I'm starting with the drums and bass and synth and building it up from there now and then maybe add guitar in later...

I've only got tonight thought and then I'm off to France on a business trip tomorrow until Friday and then June is over to visit until Sunday so it's going to be a crazy week...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Not this time ;-)

Awww well I didn't get through tonight... but I've had a wicked time the last few weeks :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What am I playing on Friday??

...not that I'm freaking out or anything....ahem.

I've sorted out which cover I am playing, BUT out of hundreds of my own songs, I can't seem to find ONE song of my own composition that I want to play on Friday night...

I've tried to narrow it down to a few but not convinced that any of them are perfect for Friday at the moment and I'm still looking through the others... Whatever I play, I'll probably end up changing it anyway! lol

So far, I've narrowed it down to:

Bite - would have to be a re-make, starting off a capella like the original but then instead of the drum stick on wood, it would be heal stomping (which goes down well usually) and then the guitar joining halfway through... am worried that the judges may think it's a gimmick to win though... or it might just show originality...

Dressed To Undress great song, instantly likeable... but I already played this the first weekof the competition...

Falling into the Leaves - I would be playing the original "fast" version of this if I did play it (not like the slower recorded version) - this is a favourite amongst friends in Athlone but the guitar part is so simple, I may lose marks for that... The chords are literally G Em C D and then mixed up and there's no fancy strumming or anything like that...

Facing the World Again - It might be a little slow and depressing... but it's got quite heart felt lyrics... the guitar part is a little quirky in the verses... not sure the vocal really shows off my voice though...

A Secret Love - obviously this is definitely slow and depressing too but it *is* on piano, which could be a bonus and it's pretty dark and eerie which might be a good change of mood during the evening - if I did a remake of it, I might be able to make this one work... Re-makes on the piano are more difficult for me though and I only have 2 evenings before Friday...

Petroleum - I love the lyrics to this cos it's comparing a relationship to a jar of vaseline! haha but you could see how, due to that reason, it could be easily disparaged... The guitar work is good though, the song is upbeat, it's catchy, it goes down well at parties usually too... The chords aren't anything fancy but I think the general structure of the song makes up for that...

In History - even though I think this is one of my best, I do think that it is a song that grows on you rather than being an instant favourite - which it needs to be on the night... I dunno, it's such an OLD song now and I've played it so often that it's kind of tatood on my brain and I find it difficult to analyse it objectively...

Kate Bush - this is definitely an option - the guitar part is ok, decent variation of chords and strumming... I think vocal could benefit from more variety and that might let it down...

Deeper Interaction - I say this is a recent song but it's actually end of 2006 hahaha which is aaaaages ago! Anyway - this is also dark and on the piano, like A Secret Love except I guess that the piano part is a little more interesting...

Killing Me - a music review in Sheffield once said that this was a sure fire Number 1 hit - but thats when I had all the backing arrangement from Mothership to it... I'm not sure how well the songs stands up when it's played only acoustically.. The other thing is that the lyrics are quite disturbing - about a friend who wanted to commit suicide - and even though the lyrics are quite subtle, I'm not sure it suits the atmosphere of a competition night...

Ok.  So.  Bite, Petroleum, Kate Bush and Deeper Interaction are the first songs I'm going to play tonight and see how they sound....and I'll take it from there...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Through to the Stars of Our Bars FINAL!

It was the second round of the Stars of Our Bars semi finals last night and I came first out of the night and am through to the FINAL on Friday!!

I played "Wish on The Moon" (a new version) and "One" by U2.

I'm not sure of the songs to sing on the final on Friday yet - need to get thinking quick as I only have 4 evenings to decide and prepare...

I'll be uploading the photos from last night on to Facebook later and I'm going to put them up from the last weeks on to here too!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Poster for Stars of Our Bars

Semi Finals: Sunday 21st March

I've got a place in the Semi Finals of Stars of Our Bars playing on Sunday night at The Palace Bar again - usual venue but the time will be a bit earlier this week because it's Sunday (am waiting to find out but I guess that getting there for 8 should be fine!)

Last.FM link
Facebook link

I've gone and caught myself some kind of cold so I'm hoping I can get rid of it before Sunday otherwise my voice will not be at it's best.. eeek!

This week I will be playing a cover version again and then also one of my old songs Wish On The Moon - but it's been totally re-vamped!  Will get the new version recorded soon! :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Through to the Semi Finals!

Wooohoo ok so last night, I sang:

Matthew MoreOrLess (my own song on piano) and
One by U2

And it got through to the semi finals!

Today has been really cool - I haven't done anything except chill, have a siesta and write a few bits and pieces on the piano that I really like... I should play piano more... need to expand the piano EP anyway as there's only one song for that so far.

So hooray for U2! And Matthew! lol

Pics coming soon!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Covers on Demand 2


Well... if you remember my Covers on Demand post a few weeks ago where I had a choice of 3 songs and had to cover one of them? Well I chose 'Try a Little Tenderness', by Otis Redding and when it was fininshed, I sent it out to a few people... and I was chatting to a friend in Brazil who loved track and I agreed to do the same thing for him...

So here's another 3 songs...
Lift Me Up - Christina Aguilera
So Beautiful - Darren Hayes
Glitter In The Air - Pink

Once again, I don't know any of the actual songs so that's kinda cool as I'm learning it from scratch!

Monday, March 8, 2010

News on my EPs

Thought I should clarify what's going on with my EP's... :)

I wanted to split my recorded songs into different EPs, so that each EP had a flowing 'theme'. Therefore I am recording several EP's all at once and I'm just adding to each EP as and when I record a new song for it.

Recorded in 2005 - this is finished so I'm not adding any tracks to this.
1. Wish On The Moon
2. Bite
3. In History
4. Takin' The High
5. So Worthwhile

Eight English Months
This is for songs mainly with acoustic guitar accompaniment.

5 Minutes
Anything on here is cover versions... Since these are not my songs, I have not put them available to download from anywhere but you can just email me and I will send them to you :)

[to be confirmed]
This is my most exciting project as it is more electronica based. Just 2 tracks recorded for this so far "Spirit Like You" and "Theories from Von Krahl" but I have a few bubbling under :-p

Live Sessions
These are all songs recorded on my iPhone so they're not excellent quality but I have sooo many songs and I don't want them to get lost forever in my brain somewhere, so everytime I play an old song for someone, I try and record it. I have a few that I can add to this so I need to upload them.

I'll also be having an EP for songs that have piano accompaniment mainly because these tend to be quite dark so I think they will all fit pretty well together on the same CD. For anyone who knows my music - this will be tracks such as A Secret Love, Deeper Interaction, No Soul I Know Could Live Without Love, Matthew MoreOrLess etc.

Links to all my downloads are on my Last.FM page.

Yay 2010 is an exciting year :-D

That's it for now...

Looking forward to tonight as I'm going to sit on the patio in the sun, drink red wine, and rehearse my songs for Friday's competition!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Through to the next round!!

Sooooo...... I good news from last night! Was at Stars of our Bars at The Palace Bar in Athlone and I CAME FIRST in the competition and therefore I'm going through to the next round which is next week! So excited! Seriously can't believe I won...was sooooo cool! Got to find good songs for next week now!

And we celebrated with champagne afterwards woohoo!

For the record... I played a cover of Garbeg's 'Only Happy When It Rains' and my own song Dressed to Undress :)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Gig tonight!

Yay! It's the talent competition tonight! It seems like I've got a few people coming from work thanks to friends in each department acting as mini marketing peeps hehe so that's really cool!

I was going to play a song on guitar and a song on piano... but the piano one I haven't really practiced enough (even though I wrote it 2 years ago...but it's really hard! I need to start writing simplier piano songs or maybe I just need to practice more mmmmhmmmm hahaha yeah I think that is the answer!)

Link to gig info

So I think I'm going to play Only Happy When It Rains (Garbage cover) and one of my own "Dressed To Undress" - both on guitar...

It's a beautiful day again here! I'll be able to rehearse on the river bank in the sun later if this keeps up... :-D

Friday, February 26, 2010

Palace Tonight!

Ok so I'm gonna head down to The Palace Bar tonight (the place where I am playing next week!) and see what the local competition is like...

I need to see what everyone else is doing before I decide what I want to do... I'll be playing 2 songs - so I thought one of my own to start and then a cover song to leave them with - that should be cool! But we'll see...

Best not get too wrecked tonight - I need to remember what I've seen! lol

Thursday, February 25, 2010

First gig booked in over 2 years!

Ok so I'm not ready to start gigging again but this is just a one off show! There's a competition running in Ireland called Stars of Our Bars and it's in Athlone as well so I thought I'd have a go...

I'm playing at the Palace Bar, Athlone town centre on Friday 5th March!

Now all I have to do is decide what the hell I'm going to perform... Guitar? Keyboard? Congo's? Will I use the laptop as accompanyment? Or shall I get one of those foot pedals that you can loop to make layered sounds? Hmmmmm.

Ok well I have 1 week to prepare!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cover Versions on Demand!

One of my friends (who is also a musician!) had an idea that we should both choose 3 songs and the other person has to choose one of those songs and cover it!

So he gave me the option of these 3:
Otis Redding - Try a little tenderness
Imogen Heap - Half life
Joe Cocker - My father's son

I know other songs from all 3 artists but don't know the actual songs at all, so I got home last night and downloaded them from iTunes... I was really tempted to cover Half Life because I like Imogen Heap, but then I thought that My Father's Son was quite a simple song and I would be able to do more stuff to it to make it my own but in the end I chose Try a Little Tenderness, simply because I loved the vibe to it - think I need to invest in a bit more of Otis Redding... So last night I started practicing... The bloody chords were wrong on all the internet sites (I think they just copy from one another so if the first ones wrong, then they all are!), so first I had to work out the correct chords. It went quite well, but I need to practice it more yet...

The 3 songs I picked are:
Joni Mitchell (obviously!) - Carey
Whitney Houston (obviously haha!) - Saving All My Love For You
Billie Holiday - These Foolish Things

So I'm waiting to find out which one he is going to cover now! Woo!

Monday, February 15, 2010


I love dawn. You start to think about all the things the day could have in store for you. More so, I think you believe in yourself more at dawn than any other time of the day - it makes you feel like anything is possible if you just put your mind to it.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Love Nest

I've had a good few days but today I kinda crumbled when I got home...

Got a little tune out of it though at least...

Download free mp3:

Today i thought
About you all day
As usual
My heart is full
And I miss you
Oh so much

I'm watching the sunset over the marina
We've watched many times together

I'm fighting off the urge to say i love you
Yes, I still refrain
I hope you're ok

I'm fighting off the urge to say i love you
Yes, I still refrain
But I think I'm gonna be ok

YouTube Covers - Tear In Your Hand / Redemtpion Song

Recorded a couple of YouTube videos on Friday night...

A cover of Tori Amos' "Tear In Your Hand":

A cover of Bob Marley's "Redemption Song":

Monday, February 8, 2010


One of the worst things about someone breaking up with you... that they have realised that their life will be better without you, than if they were with you. And then it's up to you to find ways to make your life better without them too. And it's kind of a hurtful thing to think and its difficult to get your head around - it's like you're trying to make the transition from being "one" in your relationship, to being completely your own person again both in heart and mind.

So, moving on.... Healthwise I had a terrible time last week. I ate a lot of junk food, I didn't go to the gym once and I was smoking. I was going to the gym twice a day in January and I think I was just really upset that after 4 weeks, I hadn't lost *any* weight.

So now this week, I'm starting again, but this time I will be following the same regime as I did last year when I lost a stone - except this year I will be weight training too. So I'll be having All Bran and an apple for breakfast, soup for lunch and then vegetables and some kind of meat for dinner. And I won't be eating any bread. I'll be getting my 5-a-day fruit and veg and drinking my usual copious amounts of water. So I'll be doing 30 minutes cardio Monday to Friday in the morning before work and then after work on Mondday to Thursday, I'll be going to the gym to do 45 minutes of weight training.

That's the plan for now until 29th March. I've got 7 full weeks to lose 14 pounds.

Fingers crossed.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Ableton for Mac now LIVE!! Ace. Face. Of. Pies.

Yesteday evening was ace. Period.

I got home and managed to get Ableton Live 7 for Mac. This put me in *such* a good mood cos my Mac actual has a bit of power behind it so composing on that will be like composing on a real computer woooo! Lappy is sooooo slow with Ableton but I had already started a song on there from the other night which started off being inspired by a Demdike Stare song but I ended up working on it aaaaall night and now it's turned into a kinda Dark Progressive House / Minimal style song.... It felt really good to be creating again... I don't often feel the thrill from writing guitar or piano songs anymore unless something really hits me but I loved recording this last night with 3 different bass lines, 3 different drum tracks, and I bought some congos last weekend and they're included on there too (although to be honest they sound more like tom toms due to mic positioning but thats ok...!) So I really wanna go home and finish it off now! Would be ace to have a new song out so early in the year... I recorded a little demo the other night called "No Sweet Conversation" but I was only messing around and then after realised that the mic was set up wrong and had only recorded in one speaker! haha So may work on that again another time and add some strings and harmonies too...

Hmmmm I'm sure paragraphs aren't meant to be that long!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Returning to Shine... and Garageband

Am listening to Joni Mitchell's "Shine" album right now... It feels completely appropriate for my feelings at the moment... When I first got into this album, it was Autumn/Winter 2007 and I was living with Mark at The Apple Building and I was completely in love with him...but by this particular point I knew that nothing was going to happen between us... And I just felt completely devastated inside and I used to go to a branch of Starbucks and they would always be playing Shine. At the time, I felt like I had lost an integral part of me... In reality I had lost nothing but my faith in a fantasy... I had realised, for real, that nothing was ever going to happen between Mark and I... and that had took a year to surface in my mind... Obviously I'd lost something that I never had in the first place, but whenever you lose something dear to you, you are going to have a period of mourning...and that's what I had to do for a while in order to come back stronger afterwards. Both listening to Shine, and going to this Starbucks after work and having a relaxing coffee gave me sooooo much comfort... I thought I was never going to hear another new Joni Mitchell album.. in fact she hadn't released one since I had got into her music in 2003 so it was absolutely amazing when the album came out, also when I actually liked it, and then even more so when it started to hold so much significance to me.

I feel kind of the same now. I've lost Sandeep and this is my period of mourning. It's so strange because I haven't felt like listening to Shine since I got over Mark... Whenever I listened to it, it just felt like I was tapping into a feeling that I didn't want to address... a feeling of desolateness, weakenss, starting from scratch, finding myself again... But all of those things I feel again right now... and this album now feels just as important, as relevant and as comforting as it did 2 years ago... The funny thing is I never really got over Mark until I met Sandeep...

I've written a lot of lyrics this week about mine and San's break up... I don't know why, but this week has been the most difficult week since we first split back in December... It shouldn't be because Tarni is home and I have more people around... But I guess I'm just feeling lost. I just don't know what to do!! I'm confused.

I was sooooo happy last year... In periods during the past, I have had happiness but I don't think I'd ever had such a feeling of contentness as I had last year. I remember I'd leave work at the wekeend and drive to Dublin to the airport and I'd be listening to Alas I Cannot Swim by Laura Marling and thinking about what me and Sandeep were going to get up to that weekend... I'd catch my flight, I'd have a small bottle of red wine and I'd sit on the plane just thinking how lucky I was to have such a wonderful guy to be with, to have parents that love me, to have such caring friends, to have got my big break in my career, to be talented enough to write my own songs and express myself, I'd even think about how lucky I was to have grown up in a country where I got an education, and a decent place to live... I don't think I'd ever felt so thankful to the world and I was so happy to admit it. I started writing songs for an EP and even the lyrics were positive...

"Suddenly I feel
Like I'm on holiday
I'll talk to strangers
I'll read in cafes

I'll wake up at dawn
Even in the summer
I'll watch every sunrise
And I'll feel stronger

And when I wake
I'm straight out of bed
And I feel rested
Watered and fed

Finally I feel
And I don't have to think
Soon all will be in place
Finding my missing link"

This was early Summer... and then Summer was amazing too... and then I don't know what happened...

All I have to do though is get through these few months and I know that I will be ok. I need to plan. I need things to work towards and to look forward to.

Music-wise, I've had a good week... I wrote this crazy experimental piece on Tuesday night... but it was a bit mental - crazy rhythms with a vocal part over the top... I bought 2 congos over the weekend so I've been playing those a bit too. And I've been learning to use a new software programme called Garageband which I got free with my iMac. Although I really don't want to, I want to buy Abelton Suiter but its about €700.... it's absolutely extortionate... and I certainly can't afford it right now...

So I'll make use of Garageband for the time being...

Ok...time for me to go....x

Friday, January 22, 2010

Beautiful Star

Am feeling a lot more positive today than when I wrote the last post... I'm sure I probably have a long way to go before I'll feel better about Sandeep - but I know it's an adjustment period and it's only been 6 weeks anyway...

It's a strange time right now, Sandeep is gone, Maik has moved back to Germany, Jesus and Tarni are on holiday, Douglas isn't talking to me despite many attempts, and I guess, I feel kind of lost... But on the other side of that... this week I've been so healthy with food and exercise and I went for dinner with Sarah which was absolutely lovely, I've been in contact with my Mum a lot more since Christmas, I've been talking to a lovely Brazilian guy called Eduardo and yesterday I felt kind of human again and like I had a bit more strength inside me to deal with stuff.

So to celebrate, I bleached my hair! haha Most people at work were pretty shocked... But they only know me at work where I'm a lot quieter...well...most of the time...exception of Xmas parties etc... :-/ And today is sunny... And I guess I'm feeling thankful to be alive and for my friends and my family... See it's obvious I'm pretty emotional... but at least it's in a good way :-)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Warm (lyrics)

Was completely head over heels and infatuated when I wrote this - I was drunk on love, autumn, alcohol and a certain brand of cereal...

Free MP3:
Web Sheldon - Warm

Hey mister,
I didn't used to know your name
Or the kinda game you were playing

You were just some real cute guy
In a club in a city
Miles away

Hey mister,
So what would you say if I were to say
Would you go on a date with me?

Wanted to get to know you better
You wrote me a letter
I keep it in my diary

Can you feel the chill
It's a frosty dawn
I can feel the chill
I'd like to keep you warm

I'd like to put my arms around you
Kiss you when I greet you
Hold hands when we want to
Be "Me and you"

Kiss you whilst you're calling
Taste you in the morning
Hold you when I'm phoning in sick for you
To be "Me and you"

Hey mister,
So was that your arm or my leg
And what did the (Smashing) Pumpkins say to you?

As soon as they left
You turned over to me
And we kissed and I sank into you

Everybody says I'm so lucky
And isn't it exciting
And yes it is

And I swear I'm growing up as we speak
For once
I'm no emotional freak

Can you feel the chill
It's a frosty dawn
I can feel the chill
I'd like to keep you warm

I'd like to put my arms around you
Kiss you when I greet you
Hold hands when we want to
Be "Me and you"

Kiss you whilst you're calling
Taste you in the morning
Hold you when I'm phoning in sick for you
To be "Me and you"

Whatever happens anytime, anywhere
Where we're all going or what that curl means in your hair
Wouldn't it be so much easier if we could read minds
I think I'd trade in my favourite cords for that sometime
Can you feel it?
Can you feel it?
Can you feel it?
Can you feel it?

I'd like to put my arms around you
Kiss you when I greet you
Hold hands when we want to
Be "Me and you"

Kiss you whilst you're calling
Taste you in the morning
Hold you when I'm phoning in sick for you
To be "Me and you"

Can you feel the chill?
I'd like to keep you warm

Slaying Dragons (lyrics)

I like this song cos it's kinda weird... And it paints a good picture of how crap my life was at the time haha

Today I don't feel like Slaying Dragons
Success is too much like hard work
But I'm still subjecting myself to this guilt

I'm just sitting here, wondering
Go with the natural flow
It's what I need and if it's not coming naturally, then why...

Push it
Push it
Push it
Push it
Push it
Push it

It's weird though
I never seem to feel alive or awake
It's more a series of interlocking events

I just seem to be living my life
For losing my life through alcohol
That's all that I look forward to and that can't be no way of...


11:11, 11:12,
11:13, 22:22
Please explain the significance?

People at work say I never smile anymore
Just bore into the screen
What's happened to me? I feel so...


Good Friends (lyrics)

This is kinda sad... I think it's one of my favourite break up songs that I've written...

Free MP3:
Web Sheldon - Good Friends (live 14.12.2009)

I never wrote a love song for you
I was too occupied being in love with you
And before the rainy days were amazing days
Those days are so special to relate to

It started from good friends and fun
The best way it could be
Ignored our heads, listened to our hearts
Lived for the day right from the start
And your rings means I'll love you forever and a day

And if you can smile one second longer
You're that little bit stronger
And you can be proud of yourself
I'm sure we're still allowed to help
And if you can walk one metre further
You're that little bit closer
To the place you want to be
So good luck darling
Even if that place isn't with me

I'll never get to hold you all through the night again
And keep you smiling and warm till the dawn again
And before amazing days, were crazy days
It was intense and passionate and soulful and you were just my friend

Your arms filled a space in my hearts lonely days
And your thoughts and your love were all so beautiful
Ignored our heads, listened to our hearts
Lived for the day right from the start
And your ring means I'll love you forever and a day

And if you can smile one second longer
You're that little bit stronger
And you can be proud of yourself
I'm sure we're still allowed to help
And if you can walk one metre further
You're that little bit closer
To the place you want to be
So good luck darling
Even if that place isn't with me

You made love and sex and dreams and thoughts fit all into one place
You gave hearts and smiles and happiness in our glory days
You hugged insecurities and tears far away
We walked on water from Sennen to St. Ives and tempted fate

And if you can smile one second longer
You're that little bit stronger
And you can be proud of yourself
I'm sure we're still allowed to help
And if you can walk one metre further
You're that little bit closer
To the place you want to be
So good luck darling
Even if that place isn't with me

Yes, good luck darling
And here's a toast to remaining good friends

Dressed To Undress (Lyrics)

This was a track that I played with Mothership back in 2005...

Web Sheldon - Dressed To Undress (live 14.12.2010)

New secret
Another cigarette
Another snort of that
Leave the curtains back boy

Another brain
An entertaining game
It's a degrading shame
Oh what a lame excuse, ha!

What's this, hey
A boy in disarray
Enjoying this display
Head starting to sway

In this gracious room
A solacious mood
You tenacious fool
You're starting to drool

Hey isn't it bright in here
We're in the spotlight here
Can you feel this here?
Come on, Cavalier!

Listen to me
This is a good house,
We'll have none of that
None of that
None of that in here

Get the best
Dressed To Undress
Oh, be my guest
There's no second best, ha!

I suggest you
Confess all to
Come so close to
This infectious point of view

Hey isn't it bright in here
We're in the spotlight here
Can you feel this here?
Come on, Cavalier!

Listen to me
This is a good house,
We'll have none of that
None of that
None of that in here

Hey isn't it bright in here
We're in the spotlight here
Can you feel this here?
Come on, Cavalier!

Hey boy are you high now?
Are you excited now?
Are you ready now?
Come on, I'll take you now!

Listen to me
This is a good house,
We'll have none of that
None of that
None of that in here

After San (lyrics)

2 weeks ago
You called me in the morning
I was jet lagged from New York
And hungover
You said you'd been sad lately
Stumbled over your words
And then you said
"It's not gonna work"

And you started crying, crying
And I started trying
To work out exactly what these words meant
And you started crying, crying
And I saw there listening
To my boyfried telling me I'm no more than a friend
Not anymore

So I laid down in our bed of tears
Started to think back over this year
I listened to "The Treehouse Song"
We were gonna move in before too long
You only asked me 2 months ago
Before things changed like I'd never know

And you started crying, crying
And I started trying
To work out exactly what these words meant
And you started crying, crying
And I saw there listening
To my boyfried telling me I'm no more than a friend
Not anymore

Is this because I've been smoking
Have I not called you enough
Maybe I shouldn't have gone to New York

Is this because of my mood swings?
Do my texts take too long?
You couldn't even tell me what was wrong, no
You couldn't even tell me what was wrong, no

You couldn't even tell me what I'd done wrong

Takin' The High (Lyrics)

Recorded this in 2005...

Web Sheldon - Takin' The High

So you're here but you're not here
So it happened but it didn't
Angel on the shoulder
Quietely suggesting that you shouldn't
Oh, it's falling apart

So you're here but you're not here
So it happened but it didn't
Angel on the shoulder
Screamin' that you shouldn't

Oh, oh, oh
It's falling apart, apart, apart, apart
Oh, oh, oh
Why don't you get a room?

And now you're singing out of tune
Whenever you get to sing
Feelings are less than before
They all know it's leading nowhere
It's got nowhere to go
But the devil still dreams for more

Oh, oh, oh
It's falling apart, apart, apart, apart
Oh, oh, oh
Why don't you get a room?

And now you're looking miserbale
Kinda reverse intent
Change hand in hand with confusion (confusion)
He's the devil and the angel
He's the distant boyfriend
Caught up in love/lust illusion (illusion)

Oh, oh, oh
They're takin' the high high high high life
Oh, oh, oh
He's not gonna be a wife

And now you're singing out of tune
Whenever you get to sing
Feelings are less than before
They all know it's leading nowhere
It's got nowhere to go
But the devil still dreams for more

And now you're looking miserbale
Kinda reverse intent
Change hand in hand with confusion
He's the devil and the angel
He's the distant boyfriend
Caught up in love/lust illusion

Oh, oh, oh
It's falling apart, apart, apart, apart
Oh, oh, oh
Why don't you get a room?

Oh, oh, oh
They're takin' the high high high high life
Oh, oh, oh
He's not gonna be a wife

So you think that it's gone missing
Lost through all the kissing
Found abandoned on the covers
Of a few careless lovers
Careless lovers
Dirty lovers

Bite (Lyrics)

Am playing catch up at the moment, uploading lyrics to songs I've recorded in the past...

Free MP3: Web Sheldon - Bite

What are we to do if we can't make the time
If it's not worth the escape from the grind
What are we to do, haven't got the time of day
With what we do now, we won't make the grade

Feel your feet on the ground now
Survey this town now
Lose yourself or get found now
Just don't be so bored

Heaven forbid take control
Out of the routune hole
On the right or wrong road
Oh just cut the cords!

Just moving and moving
Go anywhere, really anywhere
Just biting and biting and biting

Bite, bite, bite, bite
Shock, horror, trauma,
Bite, bite, bite, bite
Shock, horror, trauma,
Bite, bite, bite, bite
Bite, Bite.

What am I to do
Enough triviality!
It's only the debut
My speciality
What am I to do
Can't hack authority
It could be nice to be
In the majority

Tick tick goes time now
When it didn't used to even exist
How did kids suddenly grow
While I tried nothing new

It's time for adventure
None-indulgence with pleasure
Not fat/sugar/leisure
On continuous loop

Just moving and moving
Go anywhere, really anywhere
Just biting and biting and biting

Bite, bite, bite, bite
Shock, horror, trauma,
Bite, bite, bite, bite
Shock, horror, trauma,
Bite, bite, bite, bite
Bite, Bite.

5 days a week
I wake a flea in my ear
Think I'll sack off
This managerial career
So shock, horror, trauma
Cos my make-up's all smeared
Well I make the decisions
And I decide not to be here

I don't want to win it
I'm not going to lose it
I don't want to just survive
In my safe little world

I scowl through the people
Give all strangers evils
But it's not how I feel
So it's not my world

Just moving and moving
Go anywhere, really anywhere
Just biting and biting and biting

Bite, bite, bite, bite
Shock, horror, trauma,
Bite, bite, bite, bite
Shock, horror, trauma,
Bite, bite, bite, bite
Bite, Bite.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

In History (Lyrics)

Download MP3: Web Sheldon - In History

If you see me out there
And my flirt is searching again
Well you can be rest assured
I don't feel the same for them

Well now I can't even say "Hello"
Could it be that I'm just that shallow
All my heart now feels is hollow
There's no shiny path to follow

Well my heart if wasted
It's broken, healing, but shy
And if they're interested
I just let them pass me by

When I found out where you loyalties lied
Well, didn't that just cut me down to size
Hell is freezing over but I'll be out by then
And maybe we can bring this shit to an end

And now you're
Running so fast you can't see what you left behind you
Hoping and showing those feelings don't find you
Only one question left to ask is
Why'd you do it to her

If you had my love we could've been flawlwess
Living in a fantasy world with Taurus
But you melted away before our history
In History

If I'm tempremental or angry
It's usually over you
Well I'm just hoping we can be
More loving, less cruel

It must be 99.9 in here
I'm drowning in Suzanne Vega's tears
Cos I know exactly what she means and
If I was In Liverpool I'd shake her hand

And now you're
Running so fast you can't see what you left behind you
Hoping and showing those feelings don't find you
Only one question left to ask is
Why'd you do it to her

If you had my love we could've been flawlwess
Living in a fantasy world with Taurus
But you melted away before our history
In History

So if you see me out there
And my flirt is searching again
Well you can be rest assured
I don't feel the same for them

Friday, January 15, 2010

A Change Is Gonna Come

This blog is mainly for song lyrics as part of my music blog... but my personal life effects my music a lot...

Me and Sandeep broke up in December...

At first I was singing all my songs I'd writtin in the past about previous break ups to make myself feel better - Kev, Alex, Paul Dietician, Douglas... And then at Christmas I wrote one for Sandeep called "After San".. but now I can't even play... Pain usually inspires me to write but at the moment I feel too dead to even pick up an instrument. I thought I was getting better at dealing with pain, and maybe I am... it's not been long since it happened... I guess I was staying strong but I got sick a couple of days ago and I think that's really brought me down...

January is a cold dark month at the best of times... Tomorrow is the weekend. And I have nice red wine.