Wednesday, June 27, 2018

New Single "London Love" - Out 6th July 2018!

The second single from Fingerprints "LONDON LOVE" will be released on 6th July!
It features a Drum & Bass style remix by Dave RMX.

Living in London can be tough. It’s expensive and it can be isolating.

This song is about my partner and I living that journey together, it’s about keeping focused on your dreams whilst trying to pay bills and commuting hours to work and back every day (or different countries in my case at the moment).

It’s about realising that life is never going to be easy; and for the sake of our own happiness there’s certain things we must accept so that we can stop wasting energy on worries and fighting against things we can’t change. And enjoy everything we have."



Available via iTunes, Amazon, Google Play from 6th July.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

La Isla Bonita (my cover of the classic Madonna song from Fingerprints)

I heard such a bizarre comment once and it’s never left my head.  I was playing a gig and casually chatting to a fellow musician who was also playing the same night and he said to me, “I don't need to cover other people’s songs, I write my own music”.  This sounded like a foreign language to me.  I LOVE covering other people’s songs.  To take something I already like, crafted by someone else and trying to make it my own.  Putting in your own emotion, your own story, your own twist into it.

I remember listening to La Isla Bonita when I was as young as 5 years old on the radio and thinking how different it sounded to the other songs I was used to hearing.  I loved the soft voices in the background, the Spanish sounding guitar and interesting rhythms.  I’ve tried take the idea of those elements I originally loved, and apply them in my own way with this cover; keeping an emphasis on the vocals and the rhythms too by adding a modern day Hispanic style reggaetón influenced beat.

La Isla Bonita was written by Madonna Ciccone, Bruce Gaitsch and Patrick Leonard.  Copywrite Wb Music Corp. O/B/O Edge Of Fluke Music, Wb Music Corp and EMI Blackwood Music Inc.

This version is performed, recorded and produced by Web Sheldon.  Mastered by Dave at Dragonfly Studios, Bristol.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The most personal song on Fingerprints, 'Love & War'

The 8th Track from Fingerprints is called 'Love & War'.  I wasn't going to write much explanation about this song due to it being so personal - but then I changed my mind...

Some couples don't really argue.  Some argue loads and love it.  The couple I'm singing about in this song used to argue incessantly.  And I did NOT enjoy it.

This guy wanted to control things like which friends I could see, where I could go and which clothes I could wear.  And I was not exactly a party animal at the time.

It started when we were about 8 months into the relationship.  I was pretty stubborn and for the most part I refused to give in to his demands.  But in order to stand my ground, it meant going through an argument.  Every time.  And understandably some days, you don't have the energy for an argument so you give in - and you stay at home instead.

And every time you do that, you've lost another piece of freedom that will be much harder to fight for next time.  At some points, it seemed like I could never relax because I knew another argument was just around the corner - the kind of thing that leaves you feeling drained.

I walked away from it in the end a stronger person, but also a little disappointed in myself for letting it go on for so long.  I tried too hard to make it work but it's very difficult to look at things objectively when you are in the middle of them.

I'm pretty sure he won't ever read this as we made a pretty clean break back in the day... but if he does, I hope he's found someone better matched to him now.

Love & War:

You had good intentions
Don’t get me wrong
Every song I wrote was cos I wanted to do
Well, almost every song

But you didn’t mention
The beast that could wake up
Roaring fire and scorn
Till the morning

I only wanted a little fun, man
What you gone done, bang
I let myself fall
Putting ideas in my head man
Something like love but
More like war

Something like love but
More like war

I had no intention
But we came through
Everything was like a dream
Till I had friends without you

And I still believed it
I couldn’t see that
Honeymoon and carefree days
Were gone

I only wanted a little fun, man
What you gone done, bang
I let myself fall
Putting ideas in my head man
Something like love but
More like war

No hard feelings
Now it’s all in the past
I left you in the battlefield (my bad)
The oldest story in the book of life
Blinded by love till you fall out of love
You always said I was selfish
With my western state of mind
But I don’t believe I was selfish now
I gave you two years of my life

I only wanted a little fun, man
What you gone done, bang
I let myself fall
Putting ideas in my head man
Something like love but
More like war

Love & War was written, performed, recorded and produced by Web Sheldon.  Mastered by Dave at Dragonfly Studios, Bristol.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

'All That Money Can't Buy' - behind the song...

"All That Money Can’t Buy" is having a dig at our overconsumption-obsessed society.  Going shopping for ‘retail therapy’ started out as a joke in movies and now it’s an actual thing.  Everywhere we look there is an advert for some new product you didn’t realise you wanted (and probably don’t need either) until the advert presses the right combination of buttons inside you to make you feel otherwise.

We spend money we haven’t yet earnt on credit cards to buy products that have been purposely designed to break after a short amount of time – so we have to go and buy a new one.  We buy products on offer for the thrill of the sale only to get home and abandon them as we didn’t really want them in the first place.  

And where do we get the money to sustain all this? We work and we work and we work.  After all that working, we are tired and sad and decide to treat ourselves by spending money on something.  And the cycle continues…

This track was featured on Particle Zoo's Compilation "Zoo Keeping 2" in September 2017 which featured all exlcusive tracks from up and coming electronic artists.

All That Money Can't Buy was written, performed, recorded and produced by Web Sheldon.  Mastered by Dave at Dragonfly Studios, Bristol.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

'Fingerprints' will be on CD too!

For anyone else looking for a CD version of Fingerprints, stay tuned, I will let you know as soon as they are available!

I will be selling them via my website and will post on here and across social media when they are ready!

You can also visit to join my mailing list (scroll down to the bottom on the front page).  I'll be sending out an email with links to buy the CD!

Saturday, May 12, 2018

'Mantra For The Lost (Feat. Annee Patrice)' - Track 5 on Fingerprints

I can't speak for the rest of the world but in the UK we have a big problem with certain sensationalist newspapers. Headlines and stories specifically designed as click-bait to make more money for the newspaper, support whichever political agenda they are in alliance with - at whatever consequence, irrelevant of whether its old news or fake news.

One way politicians control large groups of people is to get them scared and make them feel threatened. Find a group of people different to your target voters and paint them as the villains, create division and unite the voters in some solidarity of hate for that different group. You don’t have to look far for examples of this… Modern day USA with Trump and Muslims or in the UK with UKIP against immigrants or Hitler with Jewish people. It’s a repeated pattern throughout history that is still happening all around us. I’m sure in the UK, you can nip out to the newsagents and pick up a copy of the Daily Mail to see an example right now of the types of stories and language they use to turn you against your neighbours.

I haven’t travelled around the world anywhere near as much as I’d like to, but the more I do travel, the more I realise that despite are cultural differences/upbringing, we are the same underneath. We want to feel intimacy, understood, a sense of being part of something, to protect our loved ones and we want to laugh too.

Thanks to the wonderful and vibrant Annee Patrice for singing on this one and travelling across London twice to come and record - we met at a gig about 5 years ago now but have stayed in touch since then. This song was written as part of FAWM in 2017; started and finished in one day. I had a whole bunch of brainstormed lyrics before settling on the final format; one of those included repeated "mantra" style lyrics. I dropped that hook in the end but the name 'mantra' stayed in the title.

Mantra For The Lost

Some are safe, some are in danger
Some believe it's nature/nurture
Some are privileged, some out of favour
Some are friends, we think they're strangers
Some cast love over fear and hating
Some are stubborn, some change their behaviours
Some choose now, never or later
Some will fail, to be greater

Less hope, less motivation
Less money, less chance of education
Less religion, less isolation
Less fear, less insulation
More reading, more stimulation
More variety, more immigration
More cultural integration
More understanding, more liberation

In the old days they used to say that
It was the end of times back then
It’s not the end of times yet
But how close are we gonna get?

In the old days they used to say that
It was the end of times back then
It’s not the end of times yet
But how close are we gonna get?

In the old days they used to say that
It was the end of times back then
It’s not the end of times yet
But how close are we gonna get?

In the old days they used to say that
It was the end of times back then
It’s not the end of times yet
But how close are we gonna get?

In the old days they used to say that
It was the end of times back then
It’s not the end of times yet
But how close are we gonna get?

Mantra For The Lost (Feat. Annee Patrice) was written, performed, recorded and produced by Web Sheldon and features vocals by Annee Patrice.  Mastered by Dave at Dragonfly Studios, Bristol.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

'Activate' - Track 4 from Fingerprints

Activate is the 4th song on my new album Fingerprints, released via Particle Zoo Recordings.

There’s a bit of a theme on Fingerprints about work/life balance.

When you’re in the routine of being exhausted every evening after work and can barely manage to shower and eat before sleeping and then before you know it, you are starting the next day again. We can become obsessed with money and career progression and that’s great if that’s what we want and that is our life purpose. But what if that isn’t the case?

'Activate' is a wake-up call to not wander through life passively but to keep your goals in view, your individuality, keep doing what makes you feel alive. We have to accept certain things in life as fighting against them only causes us harm, but there are things we can change to help us get out of bed in the morning and this song is saying “Wake up! Do that!”.


Selling your time
Selling your body
Selling your mind
Selling for money
Did your dream come true?
Did it work out for you?

Selling your sanity
Investing in vanity
What a calamity, ay
Did you live another day?
Same as yesterday

Look me in the eye and concentrate
Listen to my words and answer straight
Wake up, Activate
I said, wake up, Activate

Selling and lying
Buying and breaking
Bragging and crying
It’s better than your thing
When you’re dead and burnt
Where’s the money you earned?

Selling your youth
Selling your energy
Glimmers of truth
Burn true when they get through
That thick facade
Check your Gratitude Jar

Look me in the eye and concentrate
Listen to my words and answer straight
Wake up, Activate
I said, wake up, Activate

How do you repeat the same the day again?

Written, performed, recorded and produced by Web Sheldon.
Mastered by Dave @ Dragonfly Studios, Bristol.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

'WEARENOW' - Behind the song...

Track 3 on Fingerprints is WEARENOW.

Nearly all the songs on the album were written between February and May 2017 although this is an exception, the oldest track on the album from December 2014.  At the time I was in an Electronic duo Bilamie with my friend Mucky Cherub/Beth Swain with a view to showing it to her and seeing if she wanted to do it in the band.  It was almost completely forgotten about and then I stumbled across it as I was putting Fingerprints together and decided to revive it and finish it off.

I guess I have a similar problem to most musicians; the desire to create vs. the energy left to do it after you finish work at night.  The message in the song is one of unity and ambition though and sharing that energy with someone else to overcome what you need to, in order to get your music out there. The lyrics in the chorus are more obviously relating to that.

It’s also the only song on the album with a guitar (Bilamie had guitars!). This song also has a couple of different soundclips from friends telling me in their own way to "chill".  Thanks to Hipnotic Jazz and Maik Münch.


We are the stalkers
We are the strikers
We are the shakers
We are the takers
We are the spotlight
We are the live wires
We are the last ones
And we are midnight

I’m only human, I tried otherwise
You can’t be human if you're drained of life though
Cleaning to corporate, commuting far
Working late and sulking hard

Change in time, clout to cower
Pocket money, pain by the hour
All that energy I gave, brainwashed
And all that time is lost        

We have finite energy and we waste our lives
Giving grace to thieves, cheat us out of time
We’re the walking dead, excess by threat
Were you born to serve or live instead?

We are the blaze and
We are blend and
We are the morse code
We are the dead end
We are the latest
We are the furthest
We are the terminal
We are the endless 

I try my hardest, you might think otherwise
We make the best with the drive we have tho
Tied to a desk in a suit to charm
Close off a scrap with kind regards

Always smiling, crying on the inside
Kept it up for a very long time but
Forcing nature’s not nature’s will
Easy flow now, easy, Will

We have finite energy and we waste our lives
Giving grace to thieves, cheat us out of time
We’re the walking dead, excess by threat
Were you born to serve or live instead?

We have finite energy and we waste our lives
Giving grace to thieves, cheat us out of time
We’re the walking dead, excess by threat
Were you born to serve or live instead?


Links to Fingerprints:

Fingerprints is OUT! Links below...

It's here!  My debut full length album 'Fingerprints' is now out to buy and stream worldwide!

Listen to it here on Soundcloud or visit any of the links below...


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Slackers Release Debut EP "Full Frontal Slack"

3 piece rock band. Influences from Skunk Anansie, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Alabama Shakes.

My old mate Mucky Cherub/Beth Swain (who I used to be with in Bilamie) is in a new band called Slackers and on 18th March they released a new EP called "Full Frontal Slack".

Lonely Hearts was a track that we did in Bilamie - it's so cool to hear it in this new chilled format... I'm also loving the first track "I Want" too - especially the power and the attitude in the vocals.

Listen to the music and follow the Soundcloud page below:

Slackers - Full Frontal Slack


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

'Your Art Is Imperfect' (NEW SONG from Fingerprints!)

Particle Zoo have uploaded an exclusive song from the new to stream online before the release date!

Your Art Is Imperfect

"Look at us all... Scrambling to meet our perfect partner, find our perfect job or have the perfect holiday.  How about painting the perfect picture or writing the perfect song?  Perfect just doesn't exist. And we need to stop imagining that it does (in spite of what the big American movies tell us).

With any piece of art, at some point you have to say 'it's finished' and move on. To just do what you can with what you feel in that moment.  After all, a song is like a snapshot of an artist at one moment in time. The next snapshot will be as different again."

'Your Art Is Imperfect' is the opening track on my new album ‘Fingerprints’, released on Monday 7th May 2018.

Your Art Is Imperfect (Lyrics)

Don’t stay where you’re tolerated
Go where you’re celebrated
If the sounds you hear are dull and dated
Create what you want created

Saw you in the zone, feel the deep connection
Buzzing all fours in the natural flow
Reaching for your own slice of perfection
Your Art is Imperfect; it's a beautiful show

They say ideas appear from nowhere
Vision and sound homebound from anywhere
You know the feeling like a spark inside you
Like a thread through a portal beside you

Saw you in the zone, feel the deep connection
Buzzing all force in the natural flow
Reaching for your own slice of perfection

Your Art is Imperfect; it's a beautiful show

Monday, April 23, 2018

Web Sheldon - Fingerprints LP

Web Sheldon - Fingerprints LP

7th May 2018
Particle Zoo Recordings

Genres: Pop/Electro/Industrial
Mastered at Dragonfly Studios, Bristol.

London based producer-songwriter Web Sheldon blends traditional singer-songwriting with high quality electronic production skills to create a sound that is visceral, exciting and deeply personal.

Enthusiastically supported by BBC Radio 6 Music, the first single from Fingerprints, IG-ID earned global airplay from Prague to Texas and was played twice in one weekend by an obviously impressed Tom Robinson.

The full album is an evocative mix of urban-electronic and street-folk addressing themes such as social decay, corporate greed, artistic expression and LGBTQ life.

Sometimes propulsive, uplifting and venal, others contemplative and lamenting, Fingerprints is a refined and bombastic soundtrack for modern living.

Released by:
Particle Zoo Recordings

Release date:
7 May 2018

℗ 2018, Particle Zoo Recordings

Madonna's "La Isla Bonita"

You remember this?

Madonn's "La Isla Bonita" from 1987.

On Fingerprints, I have recorded my own interpretation of it... Out on 7th May! 2 weeks to go!

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Web Sheldon on Spotify

If you haven't followed me on Spotify yet, here is the link:

All my releases are up there from the first single "Ranch House On A Hill" through to the latest single "IG-ID" in February this year.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Fingerprints - Tracklisting

If you haven’t heard by now, my first full length album Fingerprints will be released on 7th May via Particle Zoo Recordings.

Here is the tracklisting!

  1. Your Art Is Imperfect
  2. IG-ID
  4. Activate
  5. Mantra For The Lost (Feat. Annee Patrice)
  6. All That Money Can’t Buy
  7. Responsibilities
  8. Love & War
  9. La Isla Bonita
  10. Lover Not A Fighter
  11. London Love
  12. Modern Slaves

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

MODERN SLAVES (New track online from Fingerprints album!)

Particle Zoo have put a new track up online from my forthcoming album "Fingerprints" (to be released worldwide 7th May).

Listen to the track below and read the story behind the song.

Modern Slaves 

Modern living is so deeply ingrained in our psyche, we're almost numb to the fact that we're chained to paying our rent, bills and taxes for the rest of our lives. We’re fooled into buying things we’re under the illusion we NEED, things that are designed to break after a few months so we go out again and buy another one. And we go to our jobs (which we are lucky to have!) to pay for all this, selling away time with our families in exchange for money to pay for it all.

If we manage to maintain this year in, year out, what is the price? A person who has retired after years of graft, who should be enjoying life but has a body that is quickly deteriorating from years of physical labour? A young mind crushed and disillusioned under the stresses of juggling some work hard/play hard idea they’ve been sold – and probably too tired on a daily basis to question any of it. Is this what we actually want from life?

If we keep it all up and make it through – we are the lucky ones. What happens to those who crack under the pressure? Do they lose their home…friends…families…life?

Modern Slaves (lyrics):

Life is hard
We are Modern Slaves
Chained to banks and cards
Life Is Hard

Life is hard
We’re in the gutter
We don’t see the stars
Life is hard

Oh remember back in the day
Our parents used to say ‘these are the best days of your lives’
And they weren’t far wrong
Don’t get me wrong
Adulting is more fun
But you gotta stay strong
You got to keep it together

Life is hard
We are Modern Slaves
Our nerves may be burnt, charred, scarred
But we are not in chains

We are not in chains
We are not in chains
We are not in chains

But what does that change?

Monday, March 26, 2018

IG-ID on BBC Radio 6!

Massive thanks to Tom Robinson for playing my new single IG-ID - TWICE last weekend!

Here's a clip from the first playing...

Read more about The Tom Robinson show here.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

IG-ID (Balls Deep Remix) - Stream In Full!

Here's the third remix from my new single IG-ID!

Thanks to Balls Deep for the awesome remix below!

Listen to all the track on the single with the original version and both remixes including one by Don Dayglow on Spotify, Apple Music or Deezer or buy it on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play or any of these links: BeatportJuno DownloadTraxsource.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Story Behind IG-ID

IG-ID (meaning Instagram-Identity) came about because of my Web Sheldon Instagram account.

Last January, I had a plan to increase my audience to 10k Followers by the end of the year and I was trying to do it in a way that represented both my music and my personality/beliefs.

At one point, I was posting 6 pictures a day so it took up a lot of time to come up with the content to sustain that.

The posts ranged from taking pictures of my everyday life, song lyrics or music videos (usually my own), selfies, or reposts from other accounts which were usually funny memes, inspirational quotes or something supporting my political/spiritual beliefs.  I was searching for pictures to take/repost so often that it started to make me think about whether I was still being representative of who I *actually* was on my Instagram account or whether it was who I *wanted* to be.

When I listen to a musician, I want to feel like I really know and understand them – I want to feel that connection.  For that reason, it’s really important for me to stay authentic on my Instagram account.

We can’t feel 100% every day – that is a given.  Sometimes when I was feeling down, I would post some inspirational quote to try and elevate my mood (and hopefully encourage others feeling the same). This created a conflict and made me question if I was still being me... “losing fingerprints, erase/redefine, justify your spin on your sound life”. And for anyone else looking at my account – was it even helpful?  If they felt down, did seeing someone else post something inspirational make them feel better and give them hope or did it just make them feel worse because they could see everyone else posting super-positive messages when inside they still felt like shit.

This made me think of the idea for the song IG-ID of there being a kind of split personality between someone’s real self and their online self and to analyse what the gap was for me and my own social media accounts.

Take a listen to the song here:

IG-ID is released via Particle Zoo Recordings.

And if you'd like to buy or stream it further, you can go to Apple Music, Amazon, BeatportJuno DownloadTraxsource or Spotify.

Monday, February 26, 2018

IG-ID (New Single) OUT NOW!

This is my new single IG-ID, thanks to the amazing guys at Particle Zoo Recordings who are releasing it and for the label owner (Don Dayglow) and Balls Deep for their awesomely catchy remixes!

Press release:

"London's Web Sheldon draws influences from the fathers of smart pop with the debut single from his forthcoming album 'Fingerprints'. A bold blend of styles channels the myriad stylings of Bowie, Roxy Music, Bjork and Human League to create something new - a kind of Electro-Pop/Indie-Dance that could make a credible Top 40 entry or rip it up at a scuzzy basement party.
Composer, Producer, Poet and Vocalist, Web Sheldon gives more than a glimpse of his dextrous abilities.
On remix duty is label boss Don Dayglow, building on the original's Electro flavour, throwing in some Afro-Disco and amping up the groove to devastating effect, before new signing Balls Deep goes full on dancefloor with a stunning Deep House mix."

Take a listen to them ALL here:

And if you'd like to buy or stream it further, you can go to Apple Music, Amazon, Beatport, Juno DownloadTraxsource or Spotify.